Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reviewing 2006

Its the end of the year. The end of 2006. Perhaps the year has been a memorable one. Or one in which one has learnt a great deal. Maybe it was eventful. Maybe it was dull and monotonous. Maybe it speaks of great achievements. No matter what 2006 hides in it, there is bound to exist at least one moment in which one will fondly remember.

The coming into the world of new beautiful souls.
And it is these souls that reminds us always of the innocence we once had in our lives, when we were very young.
The passing of great souls into the Light.
These are the souls who have shared with us their experiences and taught us the meaning of life.

What is 2006 for you?
It could be the discovery of a new species by scientists.
Or the union of two people.
It could be the year when you have overcome your fears, stepping out into the world as a stronger person.
It could also just be a pure and simple life.
And it could be the year in which one embarks on his/her spiritual journey, seeking for the truth.
It could be anything for anyone.

So what is your story for 2006?
And what do you wish/hope for in 2007?
May peace and happiness be with all!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Contemplation amidst Christmas

Tis the Christmas season, a time when one can see Christmas trees everywhere, majestically decorated.
And its also a time for giving and sharing.
Been to several complexes, and its a joy to see the little children running excitedly everywhere, just lifts one's spirit up.
How innocent and happy they are!

Most people would be getting gifts for their family members and loved ones during this festive season.
Three cheers to them! For they have shown the spirit of giving, and this in turn would influence others as well to walk in their footsteps.
And giving need not be in the form of materials - giving can be in any form, and one of the best gifts is the Gift of Joy and Love.
Which literally means, sharing your Happiness with others, so that they can be part of it too.

But at the same time, let us not forget about those who are less fortunate than us.
Many in the world may not be experiencing the same situations.
And we can make a difference in their lives but doing something for them.
Again, spread to them the Gift of Joy, touch their lives so that they know that someone cares for them.
The warmest sanctuary during the coldest of winters is within your heart - knowing that someone cares.

When we give, let it be genuine giving.
Let us not expect anything in return.
Because the best gifts returned to us are the radiant smiles and joyous laughter from others. =)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Why stopovers in life?

Maybe the title of this blog has got you puzzled.
Why stopovers in this journey through life?
Nothing bombastic really, it just arises from a simple thought.

Too often we are caught up with everything around us.
No time for laughter, no time for rest.
No time for ourselves, no time for chilling out.
And most importantly,
no time to actually stop and think about what life is all about, and what is most important in life.
Most of the time the things we do revolve around us and only us, but have we thought about those around us?

This blog will be a place to share thoughts about life, and what is it that truly makes life meaningful.
Please feel free to leave comments for sharing with others as well!
Peace and Happiness to all! =)